Mrs. Nuon Sukunthea
From 1991 to Present: Country Director - Kunthea has worked in community development in Cambodia for almost 20 years. She has ten years experiences as a Gender Equality Coordinator with Maddox Jolie-Pitt Organization (MJP) in Battambang province from 2006 to 2016, Eight years experiences as a Community Facilitator with Church World Service Organization (CWS) in Kampong Thom province from 1998-2006, and eight years experiences as a teacher at state school Kampong Thom province from 1991- 1998
Completed a-one-year of English Teaching Methodology in Phnom Penh in 1996, Graduated a-two-year of Geography Teaching Methodology in Kompong Cham province in 1991 and graduated BA of Accounting at IMF Institute, Cambodia in 2005.
Training & workshop
2012-2017: Baseline Survey techniques, Management and Leadership Training Workshop witth NHS (National Health Service), London UK, Theater for Development workshop (part2), location, Cambodia, Sustainable Asian Honey Bees attended by 7 Asian countries (Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Philippines, India and Cambodia, Standard Map-Self-Assessment Capacity building, Mental health caring for local children and counseling, Counseling, Community Based Enterprise, Supervisory and People Management Skill.
Mrs. Yim Manika
From 2002 to Present: Finance and Administration Manager - Manika is an accountant for almost 20 years of experience in nonprofit financial management. From 2017 to present she works as finance & Admin Manager with Partners for Rural Development (PRD), 2006 – 2017: Account Supervisor/Finance Manager with Maddox Jolie-Pitt Foundation, 2004 – 2006: Project Accountant with Maddox Jolie Project – WildAid and 2002 – 2003: Intern with Handicap International/ADC and SEILANITHIH as Cashier and Admin Assistant
Graduated Master of Business Administration – MBA (2009), Major in Financial and Banking at Build Bright University (BBU), Battambang, Cambodia. National University of Management (NUM), Battambang, Cambodia, Bachelor of Business Administration – BBA (August 2004), Major in Accounting, Preah Monivong High School, Battambang, Cambodia, High School Diploma (August 2000), Australian Centres for Development (ACD), Battambang, Cambodia,Diploma of English Level 12 (January 2005), International English Language Testing System (IELTS), Overall band score 6.0 (January 2005).
Training & workshop
Child Protection Training Workshop – conducted by Australian Volunteers International (AVI), June 2018, Siem Reap, Cambodia, Management and Leadership Training Workshop – conducted by National Health Service (NHS), February 2016, Winchester, United Kingdom, Effective Communication in the workplace – conducted by Maddox Jolie-Pitt Foundation, September 2015, Battambang, Cambodia.
Mr. Oum Narap
From 1998 to Present: Mr. Oum Narap, Education Program Manager - Narap has worked for over 20 years, creating sustainable education programs in Battambang town and rural community in Cambodia as Education Program Manager with PRD, Education Program Officer with Maddox Jolie-Pitt Foundation (MJP) Samlout, Battambang Province, Pedagogy Coordinator-Enfants Refugiée du Monde(ERM) Samlout, Battambang Province, Teacher Trainer at Battambang Regional Teacher Training Center (RTTC), Master Trainer and coordinator at Cambodia Institute Human Rights (CIHR), Teacher Trainer at Battambnag Regional Teacher Training Center (RTTC).
From 1995-2009: Mr. Ourm Narap has completed Cambodian University for Specialties Master Business Administration and Economics Major Business Administration, Faculty of Pedagogy in Phnom Penh Option Khmer Literature and Society, Royal University of Phnom Penh Option Khmer Literature and Society, Mony Vong High School in Battambang, Net Yang Secondary School in Battambang
Training & workshop
Supervisory and People Management Skill, Training on Advocacy, Community Base Facilitation Skills, Introduction to Counseling Children-Theory and Practice, Information Communicate Technology (ICT), Mental Health Care for Children In Community After Armed Conflict, Mental Health Training on, Child development, Impact of child abuses and negligence, Psychiatric and social problem, Master Trainer on Human Rights Teaching Methodology for Primary School and Secondary School, series of training workshop on Participatory Approach to Human Rights Education: Frameworks Methods and Techniques and Administration.
Dr. Stephanie Montgomery, Director, Northern Ag Focus Pty Ltd
Steph is an Australian agronomist with a range of experience across multiple sectors including private consulting, commercial agronomy and government research and extension. She is the sole Director of Northern Ag Focus Pty Ltd and has a Bachelor of Rural Science (Hons) and a PhD both from the University of New England, Armidale, Australia. Steph was conferred with the Chancellor's Doctoral Research Medal (UNE) in recognition of her thesis research investigating new farming systems for upland crops in Northwest Cambodia. This study provided important local information and research results.
for farmers and other agriculturalists working in the region and across SE Asia. The research illustrated that through conversion to conservation agriculture including no-tillage and rotation cropping legumes and sunflower, sustainability of the farming system was improved by way of increased farm profitability and protection of the natural resource base. Furthermore, her research proved that a delay in sowing time by two months significantly reduced the risk of crop failure in the pre-monsoon season and greatly increased yield and profitability of the whole farm system.
Steph has been working on ACIAR projects in Cambodia and Australia for fifteen years and has a strong interest in improving sustainability of the upland agro-ecological systems and farmer livelihoods without detriment to the soil resource base. Based in Battambang, Steph conducts the majority of her work in the Samlout and Pailin regions, which are located in the top of the Sangke River catchment.
Steph has extensive agronomy experience in rainfed and irrigation farming systems across a range of tropical crops including maize, sorghum, sunflower, sesame, cassava, soybean, mungbean, cowpea and peanut as well as numerous temperate species. She has also provided on-farm agronomic consultancy to beef cattle producers and a feedlot in Northern NSW for the production of maize and sorghum for silage, and lucerne for hay production. Recently Steph has added fruit tree production to the suite of enterprises she is involved in, with a focus on durian, longan and mango production in Cambodia. Northern Ag Focus is also assisting remote pepper and durian farmers to identify production constraints and implement management strategies to combat serious disease issues arising on their farms.
Mr. Phann Sopharana
From 2005 to Present: Field Research Agronomist. Sophanara works as a partner staff for PRD from 2017 to present as the local research agronomist with new project tittle “Uptake of agricultural technologies and best practices amongst farmers in Battambang and Pailin provinces”, Cambodia funded by the Australian Center for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR). The major research questions are: what planting methods of cassava would enable farmers to reduce runoff and soil erosion and improve water use efficiency? What agronomic practices would assist to stabilize soil fertility whilst optimizing yield in a cassava dominated farming system?.
He is a Chief of Agronomy and Agricultural land Improvement office at Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Pailin province. Provide technical advice and co-ordinating monitoring and evaluation of project activities relating to enterprise development, household income, community development social welfare work and vocational skills. Extent practical knowledge of rural development and implementing field research based on agricultural research priorities for upland farming systems. Prepare resource materials on elements of crop-cattle production systems including production of English/Khmer technical manuals, factsheets and farmer flipcharts. Conduct surveys research studies and training/market need assessment
From 1999 to present: Presently Mr. Sophanara is taking his master degree on Agriculture science, major in Cropping System at the Suranaree University of Technology in Thailand. The course will be finished in 2020. He completed Bachelor of English Literature, University of Management and Economic (UME) from 2006-2009, Prek Leap National School Of Agriculture, Bachelor Degree of Agriculture Science, major in Agronomy from 2003-2005, Prek Leap National School of Agriculture, the Diploma of Advanced Agricultural Technique, Agronomy Department from 1999-2003, and Soramrith High School Kompong Chhnang Province.Bac II Certificate from 1997-1999.
Training & workshop
From 2011 to 2015: Business matching meeting in Guangxi Province, China, Crop Breeding in Hainan province, China and Chemical Safe Use in Dalat province, Vietnam.
Eric Wilson
Eric started working with PRD in Battambang, Cambodia in October 2017 after completing his Bachelor of Agribusiness through the University of New England, Australia. In his role as an agronomist Eric assists in managing and analysing the cassava and fruit tree orchard trial sites in Samlout and Pailin provinces. He has a strong interest in both beef production and agricultural economics, especially in a development context. During his time in Cambodia, he has developed a slight durian addiction.
Stephan Bognar - specialist in Integrated Community Development
Wendy Matthews - specialist in Education, former ETFO-Canada
Stephanie Montgomery - specialist in Agriculture, currently with ACIAR-Australia
Holly Bundock - specialist in conservation, former National Park Service - USA
PRD officially received its NGO registration license from the Cambodian Ministry of Interior in January 2017. It is a Cambodian local Non-Governmental Organization, non-profit, non-political, non-discrimination to all nations and religions. PRD works for providing benefits to communities with their participation.
PRD works in 18 most isolated and impoverished villages and 9 schools (8 Primary Schools and 1 High School) in Battambang and Pailin provinces.
The main office in Battambang will provide overall management of project activities, as well as maintain close communications with all implementing and consulting partners.
Head Office
PRD main office is located in Prek Taton Village, Prek Preah Sdach Commune, Battambang City/Province.
Program Activities
PRD program activities will focus on:
· Agriculture
· Education
· Health
· Environment
· Gender and food security
PRD mission is to provide rural girls and women in northwestern Cambodia with the skills and support needed to build healthy, peaceful and inclusive communities.
Although our focus is on rural girls and women, our projects reach out to the local boys and men. We build inclusive communities.