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PRD works with 8 primary schools, five schools in Samlout and three schools in

Pailin. There are 1316 students in total include 605 girls.

Sport Club


Formed 8 sports clubs of boys and girls in Samlout with total 214 players include 98 girls and 9 male sport leaders. The activities include; Strengthen ports clubs, workshop for sports leaders, sport competition and provision of sports materials.


School Library


Strengthen the 3 existing libraries that were inactive because there were shortage of books and materials and the librarians didn’t have enough skill to manage and provide more books. The schools that didn’t have library, PRD provided boxes for keeping story books for teachers to use in classroom.


School garden


Conducted school garden in 5 primary schools in Samlout from grade 3-6 implemented school veggies gardens. PRD provided seeds to those schools for planting such as cucumbers, morning glory, lettuces and mustard green. The teachers and students were trained on how to make natural fertilizer from pineapple to use in their garden.


Schoolarship for girls


PRD provides education package support to 20 girl students from the poorest families in primary school(10 girls from Pailin and 10 girls from Samlout) with a specific the criteria selection by cooperated with school directors, teachers, village chiefs and parents. The package includes:

One sack of rice every month (30kg or 50kg depending on the size of family)

  • One bicycle

  • One set of school uniform per year

  • One pair of shoes per year

  • One set of learning materials per year (notebooks, rulers, crayon, blue and red pens, etc)


These girls will continue to support until they graduate high school

Professional Development Workshop


PRD cooperated with Samlout and Pailin District of Education Officers to conduct 8 workshops workshop to 51 teachers and school principals from 8 schools in order to strengthen their teaching capacities by focusing on methodology, producing the teaching and learning materials, and organizing the classroom to become Child Friendly School. The learning and teaching materials were provided during the workshop.


Kunthea & The Happy Cow


Kunthea and The Happy Cow is a pictorial children’s book written in Khmer and English.  It introduces the concept of best practices in cattle management, animal welfare, gender empowerment and conservation in northwestern Cambodia.  It is part of an education and training package for grade 6 students in 5 primary schools located in Samlout district, Battambang. The book will also be available in 8 libraries.  The book is also a special interest to adult farmers as well as children.


School hygiene & sanitation


PRD received support from One 2 One Cambodia by cooperation from Pro-Health Cambodia for oral health (Hygiene and Sanitation project). One 2 One Cambodia provided fund to build two sets of hand washing station, and 23 packages of Essential Health Care  (soap, toothbrush and toothpaste) for one year to Doun Tret primary school, one of PRD target schools with 187 students and 9 teachers.


The second hand washing station will be built in another one of PRD school (Veal Thmea) soon. It is on the process of preparing and purchasing materials. This washing material is funded by Rotary Club through One 2 One Cambodia

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